Publication list (selected & topically sorted)
Dr. Elske Ammenwerth
Professor for Medical Informatics, Institute of Medical Informatics, UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology, Eduard Wallnöfer Zentrum 1, 6060 Hall in Tirol, Austria, http://iig.umit-tirol.at
For a comprehensive list of publications, please search my GoogleProfile.
Here is a selection of publications organized by the research areas I have worked on. This represents only a subset of the publications produced by my team and me. None of this work would have been possible without the dedication and support of my team members and the collaboration of many national and international colleagues.
Health IT Evaluation Studies
I developed an interest in health IT evaluation early during my PhD studies. Since then, I have conducted numerous evaluation studies employing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method approaches. Here are some examples:
- Ammenwerth E, Eichstädter E, Haux R, Pohl U, Rebel S, Ziegler S: A Randomized Evaluation of a Computer-Based Nursing Documentation System. Methods of Information in Medicine 2001; 40 (2): 61-68. Cited > 75 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Buchauer A, Bludau B, Haux R. Mobile information and communication tools in the hospital. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2000; 57(1): 21-40. Cited > 100 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science). Selected as "Best Paper" for the IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2001.
- Ammenwerth E, Spötl H-P. The time needed for clinical documentation versus direct patient care: A work-sampling analysis of physicians' activities. Methods Inf Med. 2009;48(1):84-91. Cited > 110 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Duftschmid G, Gall W, Hackl WO, Hoerbst A, Janzek-Hawlat S, Jeske M, Jung M, Woertz K, Dorda W. A nationwide computerized patient medication history: Evaluation of the Austrian pilot project "e-Medikation". Int J Med Inform 2014; 83: 655-669.
- Ammenwerth E, Woess S, Baumgartner C, Fetz B, van der Heidt A, Kastner P, Modre-Osprian R, Welte S, Poelzl G. Evaluation of an integrated telemonitoring surveillance system in patients with coronary heart disease. Methods Inf Med 2015; 54(4): 388-97.
- Ammenwerth E, Modre-Osprian R, Fetz B, Gstrein S, Krestan S, Dörler J, Kastner P, Welte S, Rissbacher C, Pölzl G. HerzMobil, an Integrated and Collaborative Telemonitoring-Based Disease Management Program for Patients With Heart Failure:A Feasibility Study Paving the Way to Routine Care. JMIR Cardio 2018;2(1):e11. doi:10.2196/cardio.9936.
- Mahler C, Ammenwerth E, Wagner A, Tautz A, Happek T, Hoppe B, Eichstädter R. Effects of a computer-based nursing documentation system on the quality of nursing documentation. Journal of Medical Systems 2007; 31(4): 274-82.
- Prochaska E, Ammenwerth E. Clinical Utility and Usability of the digital Box and Block Test: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 2024; 11:e54939.
- Sinabell I, Ammenwerth E. Challenges and recommendations for eHealth usability evaluation with elderly users: systematic review and case study. Univ Access Inf Soc 2024; 23: 455–474.
Health IT Evaluation Methodology
Building on my practical experience with health IT evaluation, I focused on advancing its methodology. We demonstrated the value of triangulation and simulation studies in enhancing health IT evaluations. Additionally, we developed the FITT framework, which highlights the importance of aligning technology, users, and processes in socio-technical information systems.
- Ammenwerth E, Mansmann U, Iller C. Can evaluation studies benefit from a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods? A case study. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2003; 70 (2-3): 237-48. Cited > 50 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Iller C, Mahler C. IT-adoption and the interaction of task, technology and individuals: a fit framework and a case study. BiomedCentral Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2006; 6(1):3.
- Ammenwerth E, Talmon J, Ash JS, Bates DW, Beuscart-Zephir MC, Duhamel A, Elkin PL, Gardner RM, Geissbuhler A. Impact of CPOE on Mortality Rates - Contradictory Findings, Important Messages. Methods Inf Med. 2006;45(6):586-93. Cited > 65 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Hackl WO, Binzer K, Christoffersen TE, Jensen S, Lawton K, et al. Simulation Studies for the evaluation of health information technologies: experiences and results. Health Information Management Journal. 2012;41(2):14-21.
- Ammenwerth E, de Keizer N, Brender J, Craven C, Eisenstein E, Georgiou A, Khairat S, Magrabi F, Nykänen P, Otero P, Rigby M, Scott P, Weir C. How to Teach Health IT Evaluation: Recommendations for Health IT Evaluation Courses. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017;243:3-7.
- Bürkle T, Ammenwerth E, Prokosch H-U, Dudeck J. Evaluation of clinical information systems - What can be evaluated and what cannot? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2001; 7 (4): 373-385. Cited > 45 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Kujala S, Ammenwerth E, Kolanen H, Ervast M. Applying and Extending the FITT Framework to Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of Successful eHealth Services for Patient Self-Management: Qualitative Interview Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Aug; 22(8): e17696. doi: 10.2196/17696.
Guidelines for Health IT Evaluation Studies
- Ammenwerth E, Gräber S, Herrmann G, Bürkle T, König J. Evaluation of Health Information Systems - Problems and Challenges. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2003; 71 (2-3): 125-35. Cited > 200 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Brender J, Nykänen P, Prokosch H-U, Rigby M, Talmon J, et al. Visions and strategies to improve evaluation of health information systems Reflections and lessons based on the HIS-EVAL workshop in Innsbruck. Int J Med Inf. 2004 Jun 30;73(6):479-91. Cited > 140 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- De Keizer N, Ammenwerth E. The quality of evidence in health informatics: How did the quality of healthcare IT evaluation publications develop from 1982 to 2005? Int J Med Inform. 2008; 77(1): 41-49.
- Talmon J, Ammenwerth E, Brender J, de Keizer N, Nykänen P, Rigby M. STARE-HI - Statement on reporting of evaluation studies in Health Informatics, Int J Med Inform 2009; 78(1): 1-9. Cited > 140 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science). Selected as "Best Paper" for IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2009..
- Nykänen P, Brender J, Talmon J, de Keizer N, Rigby M, Beuscare-Zephir MC, Ammenwerth E. Guideline for Good Evaluation Practice in Health Informatics (GEP-HI). Int J Med Inform 2011; 80: 815-827. Cited > 60 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science). Selected as "Best Paper" for IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2012.
Evidence-Based Medical Informatics
- Ammenwerth E, Shaw NT. Bad health informatics can kill - is evaluation the answer? Methods of Information in Medicine 2005;44:1-3. Cited > 50 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Aarts J, Berghold A, Beuscart-Zephir MC, Brender J, Bürkle et al. Declaration of Innsbruck. Results from the European Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop on Systematic Evaluation of Health Information Systems (HIS-EVAL). Methods Inf Med. 2006;45 Suppl 1:121-3.
- Ammenwerth E, de Keizer N. A viewpoint on Evidence-based Health Informatics, based on a pilot survey on evaluation studies in health care informatics. JAMIA 2007; 14(3): 368-371.
- Ammenwerth E. Evidence-based Health Informatics: How do we know what we know? Invited keynote at Medical Informatics Europe 2014 (MIE 2014), Istanbul, 1. - 3. September 2014
- Ammenwerth E. Evidence-Based Health Informatics: How do we know what we know? Methods Inf Med 2015; 54(4): 298-307.
- Ammenwerth E, Rigby M. Evidence-based Health Informatics - Promoting Safety and Efficiency Through Scientific Methods and Ethical Policy. Stud Health Tech Inform. Vol 222. 2016. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Open Access.
- Coiera A, Ammenwerth E, Georgiou A, Magrabi F. Does health informatics have a replication crisis? J Am Med Inform Assoc 2018; 25(8); 963-68. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocy028. Cited > 40 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
Patient-Centred Information Systems and Patient Portals
- Ammenwerth E, Schnell-Inderst P, Hoerbst A. The Impact of Electronic Patient Portals on Patient Care: A Systematic Review of Controlled Trials. J Med Internet Res 2012;14(6):e162. doi:10.2196/jmir.2238. Cited > 200 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E. E-health and the changing role of the patient: What will the future bring? Invited keynote at 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Common European Nursing Diagnosis, Interventions and Outcomes (Ascendio 2015), Bern, 17. April 2015.
- Ammenwerth E, Neyer S, Hörbst A, Mueller G, Siebert U, Schnell-Inderst P. Adult patient access to electronic health records. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD012707. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD012707.pub2.
- Ammenwerth E, Willk S, Huang Z (eds.). Special issue on: Personalization in mHealth: Innovative informatics methods to improve patient experience and health outcome. J Biomed Inform 2023 Oct 13:147:104523. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2023.104523.
- Ammenwerth E, Willk S, Huang Z. Personalization in mHealth: Innovative informatics methods to improve patient experience and health outcome. J Biomed Inform 2023 Oct 13:147:104523. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2023.104523.
- Glöggler M, Ammenwerth E. Development and Validation of a Useful Taxonomy of Patient Portals Based on Characteristics of Patient Engagement. Methods Inf Med. 2021;60(S 01):e44-e55. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1730284
- Schretzlmaier P, Hecker A, Ammenwerth E. Suitability of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 Model for Predicting mHealth Acceptance Using Diabetes as an Example: Qualitative Methods Triangulation Study. JMIR Hum Factors 2022;9(1):e34918
- Sinabell I, Ammenwerth E. Agile, Easily Applicable, and Useful eHealth Usability Evaluations: Systematic Review and Expert Validation. Appl Clin Inform 2022; 13(01): 67-79. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1740919.
Nursing Informatics
A longstanding area of my research is nursing informatics. My work began with evaluating the nursing information system in Heidelberg. Subsequently, I collaborated with colleagues to develop curricular guidelines and textbooks aimed at advancing this critical field.
- Ammenwerth E, Haux R. A Compendium of Information Processing Functions in Nursing - Development and Pilot Study. Computers in Nursing 2000; 18(4): 189-196.
- Ammenwerth E, Eichstädter E, Haux R, Pohl U, Rebel S, Ziegler S: A Randomized Evaluation of a Computer-Based Nursing Documentation System. Methods of Information in Medicine 2001; 40 (2): 61-68. Cited > 75 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Kutscha U, Kutscha A, Mahler C, Eichstädter R, Haux R. Nursing process documentation systems in clinical routine - prerequisites and experiences. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2001; 64 (2-3): 187-200.
- Ammenwerth E, Mansmann U, Iller C, Eichstädter R. Factors Affecting and Affected by User Acceptance of Computer-Based Nursing Documentation: Results of a Two-Year Study. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2003; 10 (1): 69 - 84. Cited > 140 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Eichstädter R, Schrader U. EDV in der Pflegedokumentation - ein Leitfaden für Praktiker. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlag. Reihe pflegekolleg. 2003. ISBN 3-87706-737-9. 205 Seiten.
- Ammenwerth E, Hackl WO. Topics for Continuous Education in Nursing Informatics: Results of a Survey Among 280 Austrian Nurses. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;260:162-169.
- Egbert N, Thye J, Hackl WO, Müller-Staub M, Ammenwerth E, Hübner U. Competencies for nursing in a digital world. Methodology, results, and use of the DACH-recommendations for nursing informatics core competency areas in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Informatics for Health & Social Care 2018;27:1-25.
- Hübner U, Ammenwerth E, Flemming D, Schaubmayr C, Sellemann B. IT adoption of Clinical Information Systems in Austrian and German Hospitals: Results of a Comparative Survey with a Focus on Nursing. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making; 10:8: 2010.
- Hübner U, Ammenwerth E, Sellemann B. Informationsverarbeitung in der Pflege - Digitalisierung verstehen, Versorgungskontnuität sichern. Kohlhammer: 2023. ISBN 978-3-17-038846-8
- Ranegger R, Hackl WO, Ammenwerth E. A Proposal for an Austrian Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS). A Delphi Study. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2014;5(2):538-47.
Health IT and Medication Safety
Another area of my research focused on IT and medication safety. We developed models to better understand the effectiveness of medication safety alerts and conducted cross-national surveys on this topic. Around 2015, I initiated a working group on medication safety and IT, which produced a consensus statement. Additionally, we participated in the evaluation of Austria's eMedikation pilot project.
- Ammenwerth E, Schnell-Inderst P, Machan C, Siebert U. The Effect of Electronic Prescribing on Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events: A Systematic Review. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2008; 15(5): 585-600. This paper got the David-Sackett-Price 2009 of the "Deutsches Netzwerk für Evidenzbasierte Medizin". 2nd most-frequently read article in JAMIA during December 2008. Cited > 400 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Ammenwerth E, Aly AF, Bürkle T, Christ P, Dormann H, Friesdorf W, Haas C, Haefeli WE, Jeske M, Kaltschmidt J, Menges K, Möller H, Neubert A, Rascher W, Reichert H, Schuler J, Schreier G, Schulz S, Seidling HM, Stühlinger W, Criegee-Rieck M. Memorandum on the Use of Information Technology to Improve Medication Safety. Methods Inf Med 2014; 53: 333-5.
- Hackl WO, Hoerbst A, Duftschmid G, Gall W, Janzek-Hawlat S, Jung M, Woertz K, Dorda W, Ammenwerth E. Crucial Factors for the Acceptance of a Computerized National Medication List. Insights into Findings from the Evaluation of the Austrian e-Medikation Pilot. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2014;5(2):527-37.
- Ammenwerth E, Duftschmid G, Gall W, Hackl WO, Hoerbst A, Janzek-Hawlat S, Jeske M, Jung M, Woertz K, Dorda W. A nationwide computerized patient medication history: Evaluation of the Austrian pilot project "e-Medikation". Int J Med Inform 2014; 83: 655-669.
- Jung M, Riedmann D, Hackl WO, Hörbst A, Jaspers MW, Ferret L, Lawton K, Ammenwerth E. Physicians' Perceptions on the usefulness of contextual information for prioritizing and presenting alerts in computerized physician order entry systems. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.2012, 12:111.
- Jung M, Hoerbst A, Hackl WO, Kirrane F, Borbolla D, Jaspers MW, Oertle M, Koutkias V, Ferret L, Massari P, Lawton K, Riedmann D, Darmoni S, Maglaveras N, Lovis C, Ammenwerth E. Attitude of physicians towards automatic alerting in computerized physician order entry systems. A comparative international survey. Methods Inf Med. 2013;52(2):99-108. Selected as "Best Paper" for IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2013.
- Gall W, Aly A-F, Sojer R, Spahni S, Ammenwerth E. The national e-medication approaches in Germany, Switzerland and Austria: A structured comparison. Int J Med Inform 2016; 93: 14-25.
- Marcilly R, Ammenwerth E, Vasseur F, Roehrer E, Beuscart-Zephir MC. Usability flaws of medication-related alerting functions: A systematic qualitative review. J Biomed Inform 2015; 55: 260-71.
- Riedmann D, Jung M, Hackl WO, Stuhlinger W, van der Sijs H, Ammenwerth E. Development of a context model to prioritize drug safety alerts in CPOE systems. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2011 May 25;11(1):35. Cited > 50 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science).
- Riedmann D, Jung M, Hackl WO, Ammenwerth E. How to improve the delivery of medication alerts within computerized physician order entry systems: an international Delphi study. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2011; 18(6): 760-6.
Health IT Benchmarking
- Ammenwerth E, Ehlers F, Hirsch B, Gratl G. HIS-Monitor - An approach to assess the quality of information processing in hospitals. Int J Med Inform. 2007; 76(2-3): 216-225. Cited > 50 times in Dec 2022 (Web of Science). Selected as "Best Paper" for the IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2008.
- Ammenwerth E, Rauchegger F, Ehlers F, Hirsch B, Schaubmayr C. Effect of a Nursing Information System on the Quality of Information Processing in Nursing: An Evaluation study using the HIS-Monitor Instrument. Int J Med Inform 2011; 80: 25-38.
- Ammenwerth E, Duftschmid G, Al-Hamadan Z, Bawadi H, Cheung NT, Cho K-H, Goldfarb G, Gülkesen KH, Harel N, Kumura M, Kirca O, Kondoh H, Koch S, Lewy H, Mize D, Palojoki S, Park H-A, Pearce C, de Quirós FGB, Saronto K, Seidel C, Vimarlund V, Were MC, Westbrook J, Wong CP, Haux R, Lehmann CU. International Comparison of Six Basic eHealth Indicators Across 14 Countries: An eHealth Benchmarking Study. Methods inf Med 2020 Dec;59(S 02):e46-e63. doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1715796
- Ammenwerth E, Haux R, Knaup-Gregori P, Winter A. IT-Projektmanagement im Gesundheitswesen: Lehrbuch und Projektleitfaden. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart: Schattauer-Verlag. 2014.
- Hübner-Bloder G, Ammenwerth E. Key Performance Indicators to Benchmark Hospital Information Systems – A Delphi Study. Methods of Information in Medicine 2009;48:508-518. Selected as "Best Paper" for IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2010.
- Winter A, Haux R, Ammenwerth E, Brigl B, Hellrung, N, Jahn F. Health Information Systems: Architectures and Strategies. 2nd Edition. New York. Springer Verlag. 2011
Learning Analytics and Online-Based Teaching
As I became involved in online-based teaching around 2015, I developed an interest in how information technology, particularly learning analytics, can enhance education and how the teacher's role evolves in online-based learning environments. We translated the Community of Inquiry survey into German and conducted evaluations of online-based learning at UMIT TIROL.
- Ammenwerth E, Hackl WO, Felderer M, Hörbst A. Indikatoren für kooperative, online-basierte Lernprozesse: Entwicklung und Erprobung. ZFHE - Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 2017; 124(4): 215-238.
- Ammenwerth E. Envisioning changing role of university teacher in online instructional environments. The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2017; 9(3): 3121-9.
- Ammenwerth E, Hackl WO, Felderer M. Flexibles Lernen: Erfolgreiche online-gestützte Lernprozesse ermöglichen. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE 2019; 14 (3); 401-17.
- Ammenwerth E, Hackl WO, Dornauer V, Felderer M, Hörbst A, Nantschev R, Netzer M. Impact of Students’ Presence and Course Participation on Learning Outcome in Co-Operative Online-based Courses. In: Mantas J, Hasman A, Gallos P, Kolokathi A, Househ MS, Liaskos M (eds.): Health Informatics Vision: From Data via Information to Knowledge. Proceedings of ICIMTH 2019, Athens. Stud Health Technol Inform 2019;262: 87-90. DOI 10.3233/SHTI190023.
- Ammenwerth E, Hackl W, Felderer M, Sauerwein C, Hörbst A. Building a Community of Inquiry within an Online-based Health Informatics Program: Instructional Design and Lessons Learned. Stud Health Technol Inform 253; pp. 196 - 200.
- Ammenwerth E. Assessment in online-gestützten Lernsettings: innovative Prüfungsformen im Praxistest. In: Weissenböck J, Freisleben-Teutscher CF (Hrsg.): Tagungsband des 8. Tag der Lehre, Fachhochschule St. Pölten, 2019. ISBN 378-3-99023-550-8. S. 83-90.
- Ammenwerth E, Netzer M, Hackl WO. Learning Analytics and the Community of Inquiry: Indicators to Analyze and Visualize Online-Based Learning. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2020;271:67-68. doi:10.3233/SHTI200076
- Dornauer V, Netzer M, Kaczko E, Norz LM, Ammenwerth E. Automatic Classification of Online Discussions and Other Learning Traces to Detect Cognitive Presence. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, May 2023, 1-21. 10.1007/s40593-023-00335-4
- Kaczko E, Norz L-M, Dornauer V, Ammenwerth E. Community-of-Inquiry-Rahmenwerk: Deutschsprachiger Kodierungsleitfaden zur Inhaltsanalyse der kognitiven und sozialen Präsenz. Austria, Hall in Tirol: UMIT TIROL. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15719.93605. 2022. Open access.
- Norz LM, Hackl WO, Benning N, Knaup-Gregori P, Ammenwerth E. Development and validation of the German version of the Community of Inquiry Survey. Online Learning. 2023; 27 (1):468-484.
- Norz LM, Dornauer V, Ammenwerth E, Hackl WO, Ammenwerth E. Measuring social presence in online-based learning: An exploratory path analysis using log data and social network analysis. The Internet and Higher Education. Jan 2023, Volume 56.
Sustainability and Medical Informatics
I began organizing a dedicated working group to explore the role and responsibility of Medical Informatics in addressing the challenges posed by the climate crisis. This initiative aims to examine how digital health solutions can contribute to sustainable practices, mitigate environmental impacts, and support healthcare systems in adapting to the effects of climate change. By fostering collaboration and dialogue within the Medical Informatics community, the group seeks to drive innovative, climate-conscious approaches in health IT.
- Ammenwerth E, Böckmann B, Winter A. Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? Wer, wenn nicht wir? Die Verantwortung der GMDS und ihrer Mitglieder in Zeiten der Klimakrise. GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol. 2024;20:Doc07.
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Univ.-Prof. Dr.sc.hum. Elske Ammenwerth, Dipl.-Inform. Med., M.Sc., MET
Professor for Medical Informatics, Institute of Medical Informatics, UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Technology, Eduard Wallnöfer Zentrum 1, 6060 Hall in Tirol, Austria, http://iig.umit-tirol.at
Curriculum Vitae:
Prof. Dr. Elske Ammenwerth studied Medical Informatics (Dipl.-Inform. Med.) at the University of Heidelberg and the University of Applied Sciences Heilbronn. She earned her doctorate (Dr.sc.hum.) from the University of Heidelberg in 2001. In 2002, she joined UMIT TIROL – Private University for Health Sciences and Health Informatics as an assistant professor and head of the Research Group on Assessment of Health Information Systems. She was appointed full professor of health informatics and head of the Institute of Medical Informatics in 2005. She also holds a Master’s degree in Educational Technology (MET) from the University of British Columbia and a Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences from the FernUniversität Hagen.
Her research focuses on medication safety, electronic health records, patient portals, hospital information system management, IT evaluation in healthcare, evidence-based health informatics, and learning analytics. Dr. Ammenwerth founded the Working Group on Assessment of Health Information Systems within EFMI (European Federation for Health Informatics) and serves as co-chair of the Austrian Health Informatics Working Group (AK-MI). Between 2008 and 2016, she co-organized the annual Austrian eHealth Conference in Vienna and the European Nursing Informatics (ENI) conference, focusing on IT in nursing and social care.
Dr. Ammenwerth represents Austria at IMIA and EFMI. For her contributions to evidence-based health informatics, she received the David Sackett Prize from the German Network for Evidence-based Medicine. In 2011, she was named an International Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI), and in 2017, she became a founding member of the International Academy of Health Science Informatics (IAHSI). She has delivered keynote speeches at major conferences, including Medical Informatics Europe, Ascendio, and the eHealth Summit Swiss.
She has authored over 170 papers in peer-reviewed journals and published or edited more than 25 books and proceedings on health informatics. She has served on the program committees of over 100 scientific workshops and conferences in health informatics. Dr. Ammenwerth is a member of the editorial boards of Methods of Information in Medicine, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Applied Clinical Informatics, and Journal of Biomedical Informatics. She also reviews for journals such as Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Journal of Medical Internet Research, and Educational Technology Research and Development.
Dr. Ammenwerth initiated and manages two master’s programs: the fully online Health Information Management master program at UMIT, launched in 2017, and the EFMI-accredited blended-learning Medical Informatics master program, started in 2020. In 2018, her team received the John Mantas’ Prize for the Best Paper on Education in Biomedical and Health Informatics for their work on innovative online instructional designs.
Positions and memberships:
- Member of the Working Group on Assessment of Health Information Systems of the European Federation for Health Informatics (EFMI)
- Co-Chair of the Working Group on Health Informatics (AK-MI) of the Austrian Computer Society - Österreichische Computergesellschaft (OCG)
- Austrian representative to the European Federation for Health Informatics(EFMI)
- Austrian representative to the International Medical Informatics Association(IMIA)
- Member of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Med. Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS)
- Member of the German Association of Medical Informatics Professionals - Berufsverband Medizinischer Informatiker (BVMI)
- International Fellow of theAmerican College of Medical Informatics (ACMI)
- Member of the International Academy of Health Science Informatics (IAHSI)
Publication list:
For a list of recent publications, see my selected publication list.
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